Adult Rehabilitation Center
Every day in America, over 6,500 people are hospitalized for substance abuse. That's 6,500 people—with moms, dads and kids - disrupted by the effects of addiction.
The Salvation Army has more no-fee residential treatment facilities than any rehab program in America
For over 100 years, our Adult Rehabilitation Centers and Harbor Light Programs have offered spiritual, emotional and social assistance to those who have lost the ability to cope with their addictions and provide for themselves. The Salvation Army's free programs provide housing, food, counseling, community and employment as we work to treat the root causes and symptoms of prolonged alcohol and drug dependence.
Each year, we help equip more than 150,000 people to overcome alcohol and drug dependence.
Combat Addiction
Through holistic work-therapy, group and individual counseling sessions, spiritual direction and life skills development, residents learn to abandon substance reliance.
Build Work and Social Skills
The physical and spiritual components of the program equip residents to provide for themselves and others as they set and maintain sustainable employment goals.
Regain Health and Stability
By developing a personal relationship with God as provided by Jesus Christ, many residents learn to depend on God for relief—rather than turning to drugs or alcohol.
Restore Families
Many who have been rehabilitated are reunited with their families and are able to resume healthy daily routines. Kids get their parents back. People get their lives back.
Anti-Trafficking Services
Our anti-trafficking services office is active in crisis response, victim advocacy, recovery support, family reunification and operates two shelters for trafficking survivors as they journey from crisis recovery to self-sufficiency.
The Salvation Army Anti-Trafficking Service Program:
October – February 2021
A quick overview of what our team has accomplished since the start of the new fiscal year.
TSA Anti Trafficking Services currently providing services to a total of 38 human trafficking survivors and their families.
TSA Anti Trafficking Services has provided a total of 1,612 nights of shelter to Human Trafficking survivors since we started our new FY October 1, 2020.
TSA Anti Trafficking Services is currently providing housing to 10 survivors of trafficking and 2 of their children.
TSA Anti Trafficking Services provided a total of 3,211 meals to Human Trafficking survivors since we started our new FY October 1, 2020.
TSA Anti Trafficking Services provides comprehensive case management to human trafficking survivors: case management services included: coordination of medical, dental, and mental health services, access to public benefits, coordination of education and employment programs, emotional support, housing support, language assistance, court advocacy support and family reunification and repatriation.
Three of our survivors received immigration relief related to their trafficking experience giving them ability to begin employment, pursue formal education, and seek reunification with their families whom they have not seen in many years since our new FY October 1, 2021.
We have eight survivors connected with mentors to help provide emotional support as they navigate this new life and heal from their exploitation.
A First Thanksgiving
This Thanksgiving I was able to spend the morning with some of our survivors at the Anaheim Redshield Thanksgiving lunch hosted by The Salvation Army in partnership with The Cheesecake Factory.
We take some of our clients each year, because we understand that the holidays can be lonely for our survivors without their families. This year, two of the attending survivors were experiencing their first Thanksgiving after leaving their trafficking situation.
Another very special survivor reflected on how just one year ago on that day she had just entered our program and had a challenging time at this lunch because of all the trauma she has just left. But this year she is living independently and working full time while learning English as a second language and saving money to begin vocational school.
We have a great community of volunteers that has enabled us to implement monthly outings for our survivors living in our safe home shelter, the Guest House. This community has provided transportation and the funds needed to take our survivors whale watching, to Disneyland, beach trips, Angel's games, the Long Beach Aquarium and many more experiences that they would not have the resources to enjoy on their own.It is so exciting to be a part of someone's first experience at Disneyland or their first time going whale watching!
No more Fear
We have a very resilient and courageous survivor that has been in our program for quite some time. She has had to remain in hiding because her traffickers have been actively looking for her since she escaped. We have been fighting to legally change her identity so that she can begin a new life, with her child, and not fear that she will be found. This year she received a court order giving her a new name and identity. She no longer has to fear that she will be found by her traffickers and is safe. She and her child are stable, and for the first time in four years she is able to dream about a future.